Monday, April 18, 2022

Class 8th. Chapter 1. The Sentence

 Chapter 1. The Sentence


A.         (Page Number - 12.)

1. Shobhit has ordered cake and biscuits for the office party.

2. They took the editors to see the printing press.

3. How cloudy it is today !

4. Did you read about the man who adopted a little girl ?

5. Close the window.

6. The Sharmas bought a new television set after the old one stopped working.

7. Where does Kavita live?

8. Apoorv had food from the cafe and got sick.

9. Our neighbours do not like people who speak loudly. 

10. Oh! How beautiful the rain is!

11. Pick it up right now.

12. Do not shout or run in the corridor.

B.         (Page Number - 13.)

1. She does not drink at least ten glasses of water everyday.

2. How stunning Yasha looks in her gown !

3. Did Jacob take his friends out for a treat ?

4. Please pass me the table salt.

5. How expensive this watch is !

6. Why have I no money in my wallet ?

7. It is very sunny today.

8. Why may I get late ?

9. Please be silent.

10. Black is darker than blue.

1 comment:

Class 7th. Chapter -1. Article & Determiner

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