Saturday, March 12, 2022

Class 6th. The Fountain Poem


The Fountain


The poem is as celebration of the spirit of the fountain which is constantly and tirelessly rising. The speaker finds the fountain inspiring, aspiring and happy. He wishes that his heart could imitate by habit the fresh, happy and aspiring nature of the fountain. The poet's use of rhyming words give the poem a rhythm that reminds us of the constant movement of the fountain. These words also help bring out the contrasting qualities of the fountain. He showcases to the reader the change and permanency depicted by the fountain, at the same time. He uses the fountain to direct our attention to these two elements and makes us realise that these qualities can also be seen in our lives.


Understanding the Poem

1. The fountain is full of light during day and waving like a flower in the moonlight at night. It leaps and flashes from morning till night.

2. The fountain is happy throughout the day.

3. The fountain is always active, happy by nature and always climbing upward. The fountain never tires.

4. Ceaseless aspiring means that the fountain never seems to stop. It pursues its wish ceaselessly, irrespective of the time of the day.

5. The natural qualities of the fountain that the writer talks about are its ability to always be happy, to be grateful for all situations whether good or bad (weathers) and still doing its best, to be so full of life that it cannot be stopped, to always aspire without tiring and yet always be content.

6. The speaker wishes that he be like the fountain-always fresh, full of energy, forever climbing and changing, yet remaining constant.

7. The contrasting qualities of the fountain are-it braves all weathers uncomplainingly and yet, it seems to appear at its best all the time; it is always moving up and down and yet it rests; it is changed every moment and ever the same; it is aspiring and content/ its basic nature contains qualities of darkness and sunshine.

8. Free response. - Write the Answer in your own words.


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