Sunday, August 22, 2021

Class 6. Unit - 5. Verbs : Kinds of Verbs 


Unit - 5. Verbs : Kinds of Verbs

Exercise- 1.

1. S

2. B

3. H

4. A

5. T

6. S

7. B

8. H

9. A

10. T

Exercise- 2.

1. Transitive Verb - flies, Object - his kite

2. Transitive Verb - received, Object - a prize

3. Transitive Verb - met, Object - a little cottage girl

4. Intransitive Verb - sank

5. Intransitive Verb - spoke

6. Transitive Verb - killed, Object - a snake

7. Transitive Verb - broke, Object - the slate

8. Intransitive Verb - sets

9. Intransitive Verb - laughs

10. Intransitive Verb - were singing

11. Intransitive Verb - ran

12. Transitive Verb - struck, Object - her

Direct Object - What?  Indirect Object - To whom?
Direct Object -   Indirect Object -

Exercise- 3.

1. Direct Object - video game,  Indirect Object - friend

2. Direct Object - a gold set,  Indirect Object - her sister

3. Direct Object - a seat  Indirect Object - you

4. Direct Object - funny story  Indirect Object - us

5. Direct Object - a picture postcard  Indirect Object - you

Exercise- 4.

1. to

2. for

3. for

4. to

5. to

6. to

Exercise- 5.

1. Direct Object - letters,   Indirect Object - Afzal

2. Direct Object - sandwiches,   Indirect Object - us

3. Direct Object - glass of water,   Indirect Object - me

4. Direct Object - message,   Indirect Object - father

5. Direct Object -  letters,   Indirect Object - anyone

6. Direct Object - watch,   Indirect Object - sister

Exercise- 6.

1. IP

2. I

3. IP

4. T

5. IP

6. IP

7. T

8. IP

9. IP

10.  T

11. IP

12. IP

Exercise- 7.

1. Shout

2. Whisper

3. Steal

4. Rob

5. Export

6. Invent

7. Import

8. Discover

Exercise- 8.

1. glided

2. zoom

3. buzz

4. screech

5. scream

6. squeak

7. squeak

8. trumpet

9. crow

10. croak


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