The Lost Child
Alleys - narrow passages
gaily - with joy
clad - clothed
receding - disappearing
tyrant's - of a cruel (fd);
dragon-flies - a kind of flies
gaudy - showy
abreast - side by side
teeming - full of
Cooing - singing of dove, nightingale etc
wild capers - wild playful movements
whirlpool - (here) moving of people in a circle
coiled - in a coil
rippling - moving/falling of water
coarse- -rough
dizzy - confused
flushed red in excitement
convulsed - made sudden, violent movements
wailed - cried bitterly
filmy - (here) having a thin layer of water
jostled - elbowed
hefty - strong, broad
surging - moving forward
steered - made way (); soothe - pacify
shrill - sharp
1. What are the things the child sees on his way to the fair? Why does he lag behind?
Ans. The things the child sees on his way to the fair are - toys, dragon flies, black bee, a shower of young flowers, sweetmeat shop, flower-seller, balloon-seller, snake- charmer, round-about etc.
He is lagging behind because he is repelled fascinated by all the above mentioned things, he sees on his way. He stands there looking at all these beautiful things.
2. In the fair he wants many things. What are they? Why does he move on without waiting for an answer?
Ans. In the fair he wants many things as - toys, sweets, a garland of gulmohur and a balloon.
He moves on without waiting for an answer because he knows as he begs that his plea won't be heeded. His parents will only say that he is greedy, things are cheap and he is too old to have the things. It means that he can see the old, cold stare of refusal in their eyes.
3. When does he realise that he has lost his way? How have his anxiety and insecurity been described?
Ans. When the child makes a bold request to his parents that he wants to go on the roundabout, and hears no reply, he realises that he has lost his way. He turns to look at his parents. They are not there, ahead of him. He turns to look on either side. They are not there. He looks behind. But there is no sign of them. A full and deep cry rises within his dry throat and with a sudden jerk of his body he runs from where he stands, crying in real fear. Tears start rolling down from his eyes. His flushed face is convulsed with fear. He feels helpless and runs here and there in all directions.
4. Why does the child lose interest in the things that he had wanted earlier?
Ans. The lost child loses interest in the things that he wanted earlier because he had lost his parents. These things have no meaning, no value, without his parents. He can't live without his parents. They are all-in-all for him.
5. What do you think happens in the end? Does the child find his parents?
Ans. The ending of the chapter doesn't tell us anything about what happens to the child. We can only guess that the lost child might have found his parents with the help of the man who rescues him and takes care of him. But this is only assumption.